Thursday, August 25, 2011

Smart City Radio

Let me preface myself-- currently, I work full-time (I must specify full-time because I also intern part-of-my-time or part-time, in a local City's Planning Department) for a non-planning related company. I sit and push buttons, move papers, yakkity yak on the phone, As I am mindlessly going through my work, I try to infuse my day with a hint of planning. I'll read a few planning articles this hour, look at a few City websites here, work on my Internship work there...and so forth and so on. Well, in my jaunt of reading my daily planning articles, I came across this gem today. Go ahead and put this on as you're working away, cooking at home, sipping some wine and I think you may just enjoy your time thinking about planning just a bit more!

Smart City Radio

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Modern Day Revival: Howard or Le Corbusier?

This interesting article looks at Howard's Garden City concept but infuses it with a modern take based on high city densities. Urban Garden Cities on steroids. Take a looksy. The concepts portrayed in this article are more of a hybrid based on the traditional minds of Howard and Le Corbusier. Enjoy!

Read the full Article Here- Planetizen

Monday, August 15, 2011

Biking? Fun? Could it be true?!

If only our bike rides to work, to restaurants, to friend's houses, to the beach could be accompanied by DJ Sets, snack tables flanking bike paths, costumes and glow sticks. This is the day that I one day will plan for... but in the mean time, here are two fun events for those that love biking (and the causes it may support) and/or events that showcase alternative transportation. I have lived in San Diego for the majority of my life and have never heard of these events. Publicize, publicize, publicize these events, friends!!